Question about non-Arylic product


When I navigated to the below link, the site responded with an “OK”

Afterwards, nothing seems to have happened when I opened the 4Stream App on my device (tried both Android and iOS.)

I even tried rebooting the WR320 device to no avail. Also, I tried a factory reset, and updated the API again with the same result.

Is there anything that I’m missing? Can you add my device from the information below please?

{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “WR320_DF5C”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “firmware”: “3.8.6327”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “Lanzi_4566”, “priv_prj”: “Lanzi_4566”, “Release”: “20181127”, “branch”: “stable/wiimu-3.8”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31F0127C6B98649AA428CA”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:F7:DF:5C”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:F7:DF:5E”, “date”: “2022:12:03”, “time”: “04:22:50”, “tz”: “-5.000000”, “netstat”: “0”, “essid”: “”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “F2D114385C51D491”, “cap1”: “0x1000”, “capability”: “0x80800”, “languages”: “0xe”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x6”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “0”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-7C6B-9864-9AA4-28CAFF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “WR320_DF5C”, “GroupName”: “WR320_DF5C” }



Hi Lamar, sorry for the late reply, I’ve updated the links. You could give a try

No worries and THANKS for doing this, it worked!

I have another target that I would like to update if possible when you get the time?

{ “uuid”: “FF310016B9DA87E72EC7C655”, “DeviceName”: “Kitchen | Jam Symphony”, “GroupName”: “Kitchen | Jam Symphony”, “ssid”: “JAM SYMPHONY_E6F4”, “language”: “en_us”, “firmware”: “4.2.9308”, “hardware”: “A31”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “HMDX_W3211”, “priv_prj”: “HMDX_W3211”, “project_build_name”: “a31jam”, “Release”: “20210208”, “temp_uuid”: “1F279C6E225384CE”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “branch”: “stable/wiimu-4.2”, “group”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:40:E6:F4”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:40:E6:F6”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “42656C6B696E322E34”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “ra0”: “”, “eth_dhcp”: “1”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “143”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “date”: “2022:12:24”, “time”: “23:30:00”, “tz”: “-5.0000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “region”: “unknown”, “prompt_status”: “1”, “alexa_ver”: “20180604”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “cap1”: “0x104200”, “capability”: “0x38404800”, “languages”: “0xe4”, “streams_all”: “0x7fdf33fe”, “streams”: “0x7f9831fe”, “external”: “0x0”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-47”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF310016-B9DA-87E7-2EC7-C655FF310016”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “tidal_version”: “2.0”, “service_version”: “1.0”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0” }



added, could have a try.

If I understand correctly, the new firmware discussed here, is that one, right: New 4stream App and Firmware Upgrade 4.6.328252 - News / Firmware Update Log - Arylic Forum? The one, that broke multi-room compatibility with other devices?

I have just acquired a GGMM E3 and would like to be able to pair it with my Arylic S10’s. Will it help if you setup the redirection for my device, too? Thanks!

  "language": "de-DE",
  "ssid": "GGMM_E3_A6D4",
  "hideSSID": "0",
  "SSIDStrategy": "0",
  "firmware": "4.2.8506",
  "build": "release",
  "project": "GGMM_E3",
  "priv_prj": "GGMM_E3",
  "project_build_name": "a31ggmmalexa",
  "Release": "20200706",
  "branch": "stable/wiimu-4.2",
  "group": "0",
  "expired": "0",
  "internet": "1",
  "uuid": "FF310080B5B58552F85437D8",
  "MAC": "00:22:6C:83:A6:D4",
  "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:83:A6:D6",
  "CountryCode": "CN",
  "CountryRegion": "1",
  "date": "2023:01:06",
  "time": "22:30:10",
  "tz": "0.000000",
  "dst_enable": "1",
  "netstat": "2",
  "essid": "7368616B",
  "apcli0": "<redacted>",
  "eth2": "",
  "hardware": "A31",
  "VersionUpdate": "0",
  "NewVer": "0",
  "mcu_ver": "61",
  "mcu_ver_new": "0",
  "dsp_ver_new": "0",
  "ra0": "",
  "temp_uuid": "6A7978BB1A5AC6E5",
  "cap1": "0x0",
  "capability": "0x28e84000",
  "languages": "0x4",
  "alexa_ver": "20180604",
  "dsp_ver": "0",
  "streams_all": "0x7ffffffe",
  "streams": "0x7ffffffe",
  "region": "unknown",
  "external": "0x0",
  "preset_key": "6",
  "plm_support": "0x0",
  "spotify_active": "0",
  "lbc_support": "0",
  "WifiChannel": "9",
  "RSSI": "-85",
  "battery": "0",
  "battery_percent": "0",
  "securemode": "1",
  "auth": "WPAPSKWPA2PSK",
  "encry": "AES",
  "psk": "<redacted>",
  "iot_ver": "1.0.0",
  "upnp_version": "1005",
  "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF310080-B5B5-8552-F854-37D8FF310080",
  "uart_pass_port": "8899",
  "communication_port": "8819",
  "web_firmware_update_hide": "0",
  "web_login_result": "-1",
  "ignore_talkstart": "0",
  "silenceOTATime": "",
  "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1",
  "new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1",
  "iheartradio_new": "1",
  "new_iheart_podcast": "1",
  "security": "https/2.0",
  "security_version": "2.0",
  "privacy_mode": "0",
  "user1": "311:524",
  "user2": "1896:2097",
  "DeviceName": "GGMM_E3_A6D4",
  "GroupName": "GGMM_E3_A6D4"

Hi, I’ve activated the upgrading for this firmware, but I have to notice that:
Our firmware does not support Alexa which I see the a31ggmmalexa text in your device information. And it will let the A31 module to work in I2S slave mode, and your device might have no sound if the hardware is designed to work in master mode.
You have to take the risk on your own for this upgrading, and I can’t recover it if you found any problem after.

Thank you very much! I’ll consider the risk today… (Alexa will not bother me. Bricking the device will be costly.)

What might be cleaner is if you were to release a new firmware soon, which will restore compatibility with the LinkPlay world. Is that to be expected any time (maybe soon)?

Hey Frank,

so I took the risk a few days ago. Somehow upgrading through the app failed and left the device stuck with a firmware version 3.4.x, no audio and an inactive update server Just to be sure, I went through the procedure today again, but used the httpapi myself. And your magic worked! The E3 can be connected to your products and everything (except Alexa and the automatic time synchronization) works, too.

Thanks so much!


Hi my project name is: JXSM-DOSS-1625-352 is it possible to have update link for that too?

Hi, Please paste the output of getStatusEx, I actually need this 2 field uuid and project


{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “Roxcore_Multiroom-S1_B160”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “firmware”: “3.5.3417”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “JXSM-DOSS-1625-352”, “priv_prj”: “JXSM-DOSS-1625-352”, “Release”: “20160817”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31001466D2111A9677C4F6”, “MAC”: “00-22-6C-60-B1-60”, “date”: “2023:01:28”, “time”: “02:53:42”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “534B594E4554”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “disable_mcu”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “79F92E2A46D3CAA8”, “cap1”: “0x104200”, “capability”: “0x800”, “languages”: “0x6”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “0”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “WifiChannel”: “1”, “RSSI”: “-49”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1001”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “user1”: “319:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “Roxcore_Multiroom-S1_B160”, “GroupName”: “Roxcore_Multiroom-S1_B160” }

you’re a really old user :+1: I’m not sure if the upgrading is OK.
And I’ve set the update. I hope you fully understand the risk and give it a try :wink:

it worked great :slight_smile: Thanks again

it would be great if you could add this device too. :wink: Thanx!

{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “MD 43259_D332”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “firmware”: “3.6.4105”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “CVTE_MD_43259”, “priv_prj”: “CVTE_MD_43259”, “Release”: “20170205”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31F01270E024590602CE3C”, “MAC”: “00-25-92-60-D3-32”, “date”: “2023:02:01”, “time”: “00:58:39”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “4D4D4C6E6574”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “6530”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “E02E8C63CC8B2181”, “cap1”: “0x505208”, “capability”: “0x28680000”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffc”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffc”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-53”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPAPSKWPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “psk”: “password”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-70E0-2459-0602-CE3CFF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “MedionLS05”, “GroupName”: “MedionLS05” }

Hi, I have two speakers using the A31 boards that are unfortunately no longer supported by the manufacturer.

Would you add these devices too, so I can get a newer firmware? Thanks!

{ “language”: “Ger_de”, “ssid”: “Area-L_2852”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “firmware”: “3.6.4105”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “CVTE_Area-L”, “priv_prj”: “CVTE_Area-L”, “Release”: “20170205”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31F012C838BB97A4D9DA7A”, “MAC”: “00-25-92-60-28-52”, “date”: “2023:02:09”, “time”: “14:11:14”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “414C”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “5995”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “286E93F19808518C”, “cap1”: “0x505208”, “capability”: “0x28680000”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “WifiChannel”: “1”, “RSSI”: “-47”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-C838-BB97-A4D9-DA7AFF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “Wohnzimmer”, “GroupName”: “Wohnzimmer” }

{ “language”: “Ger_de”, “ssid”: “Area-M_3EE2”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “firmware”: “3.6.4105”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “CVTE_Area-M”, “priv_prj”: “CVTE_Area-M”, “Release”: “20170205”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31F01206DFD8BFF66E647D”, “MAC”: “00-25-92-60-3E-E2”, “date”: “2023:02:09”, “time”: “14:14:53”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “414C”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “6679”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “5BFF7C06D0CEDB41”, “cap1”: “0x505208”, “capability”: “0x28680000”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “WifiChannel”: “1”, “RSSI”: “-71”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-06DF-D8BF-F66E-647DFF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “Flur”, “GroupName”: “Flur” }

Please add project: WD850 , :+1:

I would like to update my devices using the posted link

…/httpapi.asp?command=SetUpdateServer: gives OK
…/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStatus results in 22
…/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStart results in OK but I can hear the message “Firmware upgrade failed” and of course it’s not successful. What am I missing here?

{ “language”: “en_usStatusctEx”, “ssid”: “Linkplay-OfficectExEQ”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “SSIDStrategy”: “0”, “firmware”: “3.8.5717”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “a31imuzobox”, “priv_prj”: “a31imuzobox”, “Release”: “20180517”, “branch”: “stable/wiimu-3.8”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF3100015101890326C3FE99”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:63:95:BC”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:63:95:BE”, “date”: “2023:03:03”, “time”: “16:08:02”, “tz”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “4C617572696E”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “6B18C750EB637495”, “cap1”: “0x400”, “capability”: “0x600080”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “6”, “RSSI”: “-41”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPAPSKWPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “psk”: “********”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF310001-5101-8903-26C3-FE99FF310001”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “290:524”, “user2”: “5955:6291”, “DeviceName”: “LinkPlay-Office”, “GroupName”: “LinkPlay-Office” }

Thank you in advance.

please paste info of getInfoEx

for this project, I suspect it would be working as I2S master, and it should be not suitable with our firmware which is working as I2S slave.

Thank you for your reply.

Would it be worth to give it a try? I saw your earlier post suggesting that it’s not completely out of the question that it might work somehow after all:

I almost could confirm that the standard firmware is not suitable. And there’s a firmware which would work in master mode, but it is a bit old and not maintained well, you could try to upgrade it manually.
I2S master mode firmware and the updatetool