Question about non-Arylic product

Hi, thanks.

{ “uuid”: “FF31F09E01A76841D33042C1”, “DeviceName”: “WR320”, “GroupName”: “WR320”, “ssid”: “WR320_07AE”, “language”: “en_us”, “firmware”: “4.6.337862”, “hardware”: “A31”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “Lanzi_4566”, “priv_prj”: “Lanzi_4566”, “project_build_name”: “a31rakoit”, “Release”: “20211206”, “temp_uuid”: “4513B0856EA284A2”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “branch”: “A31_stable_4.6”, “group”: “0”, “wmrm_version”: “4.2”, “internet”: “1”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:00:07:AE”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:00:07:B0”, “ETH_MAC”: “30:30:3A:30:30:3A”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “746F6D61746F”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “ra0”: “”, “eth_dhcp”: “1”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “set_dns_enable”: “1”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “date”: “2022:05:01”, “time”: “08:18:07”, “tz”: “1.0000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “region”: “unknown”, “prompt_status”: “1”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “cap1”: “0x1000”, “capability”: “0x90800”, “languages”: “0x6”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7f9831ff”, “external”: “0x0”, “plm_support”: “0x6”, “preset_key”: “6”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-44”, “BSSID”: “9C:9D:7E:74:E3:FF”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPAPSKWPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F09E-01A7-6841-D330-42C1FF31F09E”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “tidal_version”: “2.0”, “service_version”: “1.0”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0” }

It doesn’t work for me either. This is my GetStatusEX:
{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “WS300_5DF0”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “firmware”: “4.2.8409”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “august”, “priv_prj”: “august”, “Release”: “20200609”, “branch”: “stable/wiimu-4.2”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF310036ED20C36686E00E7C”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:91:5D:F0”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:91:5D:F2”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “date”: “2022:05:01”, “time”: “09:51:08”, “tz”: “1.000000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “575942525A455A455F4B4C41544B495F5343484F444F57454A”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “9FFED326163DC3D8”, “cap1”: “0x500”, “capability”: “0x280800”, “languages”: “0x0”, “dsp_ver”: “0”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x2”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “1”, “RSSI”: “-60”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF310036-ED20-C366-86E0-0E7CFF310036”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5955:6291”, “DeviceName”: “WS300_5DF0”, “GroupName”: “WS300_5DF0” }

You have upgraded to RAKOIT firmware already.

Have updated, please try again


Thanks for Lanzi and KE_W001 update :+1:

Hi DEV Lanzi updated correctly, all work fine.


Hi W00dwp,

I have got a LInkplay A28 from PE but I can’t even access the, But using the WIIMU app I was able to make the module log in to my local network.

could you help,

Also can we use the Arylic ESS9023 dac, instead of the complicated WM8918

Hi @zpl1025,

Do you think you can activate “Huan_SoundSystem” project ?

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I have added this project, if it’s not working, please check the message of GetStatusEx, maybe the UUID is different.

It worked, Thank you :+1:

Can you activate?

Hi ! Pls add for my

“uuid”: “FF31F012BA2FC2378BD0C9E5”, “DeviceName”: “SoundSystem_354B”, “GroupName”: “SoundSystem_354B”, “ssid”: “SoundSystem_354B”, “language”: “en_us”, “firmware”: “4.6.334447”, “hardware”: “A31”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “Huan_SoundSystem”, “priv_prj”: “Huan_SoundSystem”, “project_build_name”: “a31slave_noasr”, “Release”: “20211103”, “temp_uuid”: “2EF9241AE8FE897C”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “branch”: “A31_stable_4.6”, “group”: “0”, “wmrm_version”: “4.2”, “internet”: “1”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:66:35:4B”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:66:35:4D”, “ETH_MAC”: “00:00:00:00:00:00”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “6D79436C6F7564”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “ra0”: “”, “eth_dhcp”: “1”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “set_dns_enable”: “1”, “mcu_ver”: “197”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “date”: “2022:11:01”, “time”: “15:50:24”, “tz”: “5.0000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “region”: “unknown”, “prompt_status”: “1”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “cap1”: “0x1200”, “capability”: “0x28492800”, “languages”: “0x6”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7f9831fe”, “external”: “0x0”, “plm_support”: “0x54”, “preset_key”: “10”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “3”, “RSSI”: “-45”, “BSSID”: “A0:22:4E:C7:AE:47”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPAPSKWPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-BA2F-C237-8BD0-C9E5FF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “tidal_version”: “2.0”, “service_version”: “1.0”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0” }

Hi, I also need this field.

“upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-BA2F-C237-8BD0-C9E5FF31F012”

It should work, did you try again?

All ok! Update fix. My Spotify don’t work. What’s I can doing for fix?
“spotify_active”: “0”, ???


Have updated the server, you could give a try.

this field does not matter, maybe you could reset factory and check.

I’m reset factory and add also. Spotify don’t work. What else can I do to make Spotify work?