Question about non-Arylic product

This looks really exciting any chance you can add:
{ “uuid”: “FF31F0128CA1DD3638EFDA42”, “DeviceName”: “Kitchen S4”, “GroupName”: “Kitchen S4”, “ssid”: “Sphere 4_1898”, “language”: “en_us”, “firmware”: “4.2.338928”, “hardware”: “A31”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “TiBo_Sphere4”, “priv_prj”: “TiBo_Sphere4”, “project_build_name”: “a31slave_noasr”, “Release”: “20211217”, …?


{ "uuid": "FF31F012043B7ED53C74DD28", "DeviceName": "Edifier R1855DB", "GroupName": "Edifier R1855DB", "ssid": "FCAudio_1974", "language": "en_us", "firmware": "4.6.334447", "hardware": "A31", "build": "release", "project": "Huan_FC-WB80", "priv_prj": "Huan_FC-WB80", "project_build_name": "a31slave_noasr", "Release": "20211103", "temp_uuid": "FB44DF4E62567D4B", "hideSSID": "1", "SSIDStrategy": "2", "branch": "A31_stable_4.6", "group": "0", "wmrm_version": "4.2", "internet": "1", "MAC": "00:22:6C:66:19:74", "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:66:19:76", "ETH_MAC": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "CountryCode": "CN", "CountryRegion": "1", "netstat": "2", "essid": "4869706F6C69746F", "apcli0": "", "eth2": "", "ra0": "", "eth_dhcp": "1", "VersionUpdate": "0", "NewVer": "0", "set_dns_enable": "1", "mcu_ver": "194", "mcu_ver_new": "0", "dsp_ver": "0", "dsp_ver_new": "0", "date": "2024:12:23", "time": "14:21:45", "tz": "-3.0000", "dst_enable": "1", "region": "unknown", "prompt_status": "0", "iot_ver": "1.0.0", "upnp_version": "1005", "cap1": "0x1200", "capability": "0x28492800", "languages": "0x6", "streams_all": "0x7ffffffe", "streams": "0x7f9831fe", "external": "0x0", "plm_support": "0x56", "preset_key": "10", "spotify_active": "1", "lbc_support": "0", "privacy_mode": "0", "WifiChannel": "1", "RSSI": "-81", "BSSID": "BC:0F:9A:50:2B:BC", "battery": "0", "battery_percent": "0", "securemode": "1", "auth": "WPAPSKWPA2PSK", "encry": "AES", "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF31F012-043B-7ED5-3C74-DD28FF31F012", "uart_pass_port": "8899", "communication_port": "8819", "web_firmware_update_hide": "0", "ignore_talkstart": "0", "web_login_result": "-1", "silenceOTATime": "", "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1", "new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1", "iheartradio_new": "1", "new_iheart_podcast": "1", "tidal_version": "2.0", "service_version": "1.0", "security": "https\/2.0", "security_version": "2.0" }

@zpl1025 could you please add mine?


1 Like

Hi , I hesitate to overload you with more than you already got, but I as well as many others have units that want to upgrade… This one I have seen before in the list so I hope it will work…
{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “WFA28_F694”, “hideSSID”: “0”, “firmware”: “3.5.3418”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “a28slave_noasr”, “priv_prj”: “a28slave_noasr”, “Release”: “20160818”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF28F0125401C152BBF1995A”, “MAC”: “00-22-6C-4F-F6-94”, “date”: “2025:01:08”, “time”: “15:30:42”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “427261696E73746F726D”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A28”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “disable_mcu”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “348B39D7C6042988”, “cap1”: “0x104200”, “capability”: “0x400”, “languages”: “0x6”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-48”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “psk”: “07183294ff”, “upnp_version”: “1001”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “user1”: “323:524”, “user2”: “5959:6291”, “DeviceName”: “Kontor”, “GroupName”: “Kontor” }

I have some others to , but I will come back to them if this one works…

No , I couldnt wait , and I assume that it is easier to get the bunch at once…
at least I hope …

{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “WFA2_5CF0”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “firmware”: “3.6.4016”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “a31wfa2_ex”, “priv_prj”: “a31wfa2_ex”, “Release”: “20170116”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31001353665E74B9A5E0A7”, “MAC”: “00-22-6C-60-5C-F0”, “date”: “2025:01:08”, “time”: “15:45:17”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “427261696E73746F726D”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “8B1D144749A1104A”, “cap1”: “0x400”, “capability”: “0x680880”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x2”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-46”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF310013-5366-5E74-B9A5-E0A7FF310013”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “315:524”, “user2”: “5935:6291”, “DeviceName”: “Kitchen”, “GroupName”: “Kitchen” }

{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “Uterum”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “firmware”: “3.6.4016”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “a31wfa2_ex”, “priv_prj”: “a31wfa2_ex”, “Release”: “20170116”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF3100133DC0683F1AB6D3FA”, “MAC”: “00-22-6C-60-6A-10”, “date”: “2025:01:08”, “time”: “15:50:02”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “427261696E73746F726D”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “0”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “60DE55457862D721”, “cap1”: “0x400”, “capability”: “0x680880”, “languages”: “0x6”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “6”, “plm_support”: “0x2”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “-43”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “upnp_version”: “1004”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF310013-3DC0-683F-1AB6-D3FAFF310013”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “294:524”, “user2”: “5349:6291”, “DeviceName”: “kontor”, “GroupName”: “kontor” }

@zpl1025 - I missed to address you , but those were naturally to you …

Hi Mats, you’re the very early user of Linkplay :slight_smile:,
Btw, the first one does not work, it’s different hardware platform. And could give a try to the 2nd one, I’ve deployed and you could test.

And for anyone want to try the latest A31 firmware, could check out this post, and you could upgrade the device manually, which relies on a tool but could try it immediately.

And I don’t need to maintain the server any more :slight_smile: