Thank you. Updated from 3.5.3612.1611 to 4.6.415145.1611. I can confirm that it works like a charm.
hahaha What have I done? Sorry for all the extra work @zpl1025 ! but I guess it’s good marketing and brings people to the Arylic family of products.
Do you think you can add my product ?
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Hi I have two products and none of them getting any updates.
Can you please add them?
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lol, it’s not too much work, and glad to help.
I think your device is working on version 4.6.415145, and which is the latest.
have added, please try the link.
working fine thanks
Another question. I will attach the I2s and I2c lines to an external DAC and I want it to respond to the volume control in the app. Is that correct that I have to use the WM8918 DAC chipset?
You could choose a DAC working in I2S slave mode, and without any control.
Sorry I cant understand what the volume control has to do with master or slave mode. it should work regardless if the clocks are provided from CPU or DAC . Why I am asking is because I have connected the external es9023 DAC to my up2stream pro and the volume control in the app gives me 0 volume for the 0 setting and 100 volume for all other settings that was the main reason why I wanted to upgrade the firmware but it is the same situation with the new firmware. There is some other threads regarding this but the only thing I could get from there was that it is a firmware issue and it was fixed after some factory resets I did that with the same result only 0 and 100. Can you suggest something else? All is original arylic products so it should work or am I missing something?
If this is the device you’re trying to play with, then I have to say it has the hardware limitation that it does not support volume control for the I2S output. You could purchase the latest Up2Stream PRO V4 board, which has fixed this issue.
Yes this one is I am talking about.
Is the mini board support volume in app?
I have connected now all the rest of my modules and would like to upgrade them. Can you please add them?
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is it possible to Update my Medion System?
Hallo, greetings from Slovakia Would you be so kind to add a link to project name WIFI-Speaker. (i am addind the text from the equipment: {“language”:“en_us”,“ssid”:“WIFI-Speaker_47B4”,“hideSSID”:“0”,“firmware”:“3.4.2918”,“build”:“release”,“project”:“WIFI-Speaker”,“priv_prj”:“WIFI-Speaker”,“Release”:“20160318”,“group”:“0”,“expired”:“0”,“internet”:“1”,“uuid”:“FF31F0021A239395C0CFDD1D”…)
Thank you very much in advance.
yes, added. could give it a try and see
good luck
hi, “project”: “HY_WIFI” not work.
Can you activate?
Wow, managed to update my non Arylic speaker firmware here, straight forward and without any issues. Many thanks for offering it out to the community. And also for maintaining the documentation too.
Quick question I have is my devices go in to idle/standby mode and cant be woken up without a physical button press. Is that part of your firmware, or is it something on the specific devices side of things?
Thanks again!