Question about non-Arylic product

I have 10+ devices by Arylic (got it from AliExpress) already

Just curious:

{ “uuid”: “FF31F09EA93356F92286B4CD”, “DeviceName”: “SoundSystem_10DF”, “GroupName”: “SoundSystem_10DF”, “ssid”: “SoundSystem_10DF”, “language”: “en_us”, “firmware”: “4.6.415145”, “hardware”: “A31”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “Huan_SoundSystem”, “priv_prj”: “Huan_SoundSystem”, “project_build_name”: “a31rakoit”, “Release”: “20220427”, “temp_uuid”: “6C2AB09D01157898”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “branch”: “A31_stable_4.6”, “group”: “0”, “wmrm_version”: “4.2”, “internet”: “1”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:66:10:DF”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:66:10:E1”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “netstat”: “2”, “essid”: “73657276696365343631”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “ra0”: “”, “eth_dhcp”: “1”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “set_dns_enable”: “1”, “mcu_ver”: “197”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “date”: “2023:04:03”, “time”: “09:46:41”, “tz”: “2.0000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “region”: “unknown”, “prompt_status”: “1”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “cap1”: “0x1200”, “capability”: “0x28492800”, “languages”: “0x6”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7f9831fe”, “external”: “0x0”, “plm_support”: “0x54”, “preset_key”: “10”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “3”, “RSSI”: “-43”, “BSSID”: “DC:2C:6E:0B:39:8F”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “1”, “auth”: “WPAPSKWPA2PSK”, “encry”: “AES”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F09E-A933-56F9-2286-B4CDFF31F09E”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “tidal_version”: “2.0”, “service_version”: “1.0”, “ETH_MAC”: “00:00:00:00:00:00”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0” }

I’m sure this is not produced by Arylic, maybe someone copied our board.

1 Like

BTW, the topic is “Question about non-Arylic product”, so I was just curious about that @Huan@

I set the update server accordingly. When I check with …/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStatus I get “22” as a return. The firmware remains at the version you sent me the download link for.

For the imuzobox device, you need to upgrade firmware manually. No need to set update server. Download the firmware and tool, run the tool on Windows PC, and select the firmware, and connect to device IP, and click upgrade.

Hi Frank,

Thank you for the clarification. I was confused by your post on March 30 “please try use this API to update” with my name in the citation above. Obviously it was not intended for me. Sorry!
How would I know if there is a new version available for download?

This product has reached end of life, so no more updates.

Thank you for the clarification.

I also have Huan SoundSystem board. This board seems very close to Up2StreamMini V3 but doesn’t have USB audio input although it uses the same BP1048 MCU .
Is there a way to load the MCU fw for Mini V3 to this board?


Is it possible to get an upgrade link for this device please?

{ "language": "en_us", "ssid": "KD-W02_7BB1", "hideSSID": "1", "SSIDStrategy": "2", "firmware": "4.2.7629", "build": "release", "project": "KD_W02", "priv_prj": "KD_W02", "Release": "20191129", "branch": "stable\/wiimu-4.2", "group": "0", "expired": "0", "internet": "0", "uuid": "FF31F012E7A64A2F81D8F683", "MAC": "00:22:6C:08:7B:B1", "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:08:7B:B3", "CountryCode": "CN", "CountryRegion": "1", "date": "1970:03:01", "time": "05:58:52", "tz": "-5.000000", "dst_enable": "1", "netstat": "0", "essid": "", "apcli0": "", "eth2": "", "hardware": "A31", "VersionUpdate": "0", "NewVer": "0", "mcu_ver": "0", "mcu_ver_new": "0", "dsp_ver_new": "0", "ra0": "", "temp_uuid": "0A3773C9A3E01343", "cap1": "0x81200", "capability": "0xe92840", "languages": "0x6", "dsp_ver": "", "streams_all": "0x7ffffffe", "streams": "0x7f9831fe", "region": "unknown", "external": "0x0", "preset_key": "10", "plm_support": "0x16", "spotify_active": "0", "lbc_support": "0", "WifiChannel": "11", "RSSI": "0", "battery": "0", "battery_percent": "0", "securemode": "0", "iot_ver": "1.0.0", "upnp_version": "1005", "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF31F012-E7A6-4A2F-81D8-F683FF31F012", "uart_pass_port": "8899", "communication_port": "8819", "web_firmware_update_hide": "0", "web_login_result": "-1", "ignore_talkstart": "0", "silenceOTATime": "", "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1", "iheartradio_new": "1", "security": "https\/2.0", "security_version": "2.0", "privacy_mode": "0", "user1": "323:524", "user2": "1888:2097", "DeviceName": "Deck Receiver", "GroupName": "Deck Receiver" }

Hello @zpl1025
I’ve got a triangle device that I think is using a too old version to be able to do multiroom with my S10. Is it possible to add the Triangle device to the OTA firmware upgrade whitelist?


{ "uuid": "FF31004702B1E2216B3F100B", "DeviceName": "Bedroom speaker", "GroupName": "Bedroom speaker", "ssid": "TRIANGLE AIO3_D6F3", "language": "en_us", "firmware": "4.2.9812", "hardware": "A31", "build": "release", "project": "U-AIO3v2", "priv_prj": "U-AIO3v2", "project_build_name": "a31youyishi_triangle", "Release": "20210712", "temp_uuid": "9E221AEA09438D4B", "hideSSID": "1", "SSIDStrategy": "2", "branch": "stable\/wiimu-4.2", "group": "0", "internet": "1", "MAC": "00:22:6C:20:D6:F3", "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:20:D6:F5", "CountryCode": "CN", "CountryRegion": "1", "netstat": "2", "essid": "7461726163652E6C6F6C20496F54", "apcli0": "", "eth2": "", "ra0": "", "eth_dhcp": "1", "VersionUpdate": "0", "NewVer": "0", "mcu_ver": "5", "mcu_ver_new": "0", "dsp_ver": "0", "dsp_ver_new": "0", "date": "2023:07:24", "time": "08:31:10", "tz": "1.0000", "dst_enable": "1", "region": "unknown", "prompt_status": "0", "iot_ver": "1.0.0", "upnp_version": "1005", "cap1": "0x81000", "capability": "0x286808c0", "languages": "0x6", "streams_all": "0x7ffffffe", "streams": "0x7f9831fe", "external": "0x0", "plm_support": "0x16", "preset_key": "6", "spotify_active": "0", "lbc_support": "0", "privacy_mode": "0", "WifiChannel": "3", "RSSI": "-51", "BSSID": "4A:A9:8A:BA:21:D5", "battery": "0", "battery_percent": "0", "securemode": "0", "ali_pid": "AIO3", "ali_uuid": "", "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF310047-02B1-E221-6B3F-100BFF310047", "uart_pass_port": "8899", "communication_port": "8819", "web_firmware_update_hide": "0", "ignore_talkstart": "0", "silenceOTATime": "", "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1", "new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1", "iheartradio_new": "1", "new_iheart_podcast": "1", "tidal_version": "2.0", "service_version": "1.0", "security": "https\/2.0", "security_version": "2.0" }

It’s a Triangle product: project": “U-AIO3v2”, “project_build_name”: “a31youyishi_triangle”


Hi Mickael,

I’ve added it in third, you could redirect the OTA links to upgrade. And I hope you understand all the risks before going ahead, good luck.

Worked flawlessly thank you very much!
Do you know what will happen upon new versions being released? Will my Triangle device be eligible automatically for the OTA updates?


No, the device will still check the origin OTA entry for new version. For our firmware, in case we have a new release, you still need to redirect the OTA server to get the update.

Hello, new device here, would it be possible to add it to the OTA firmware upgrade list?
It’s an a21

{ "uuid": "FF28001229AC084B92A3B3D3", "DeviceName": "Living Room", "GroupName": "Living Room", "ssid": "AudioPro_C10_3D4545", "language": "en_us", "firmware": "4.2.337151", "hardware": "A28", "build": "release", "project": "AudioPro_C10", "priv_prj": "AudioPro_C10", "project_build_name": "a28audiopro", "Release": "20211130", "temp_uuid": "A52A866918A5DADC", "hideSSID": "1", "SSIDStrategy": "2", "branch": "stable\/wiimu-4.2", "group": "0", "internet": "1", "MAC": "00:22:6C:3D:45:45", "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:3D:45:47", "ETH_MAC": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "CountryCode": "CN", "CountryRegion": "1", "netstat": "2", "essid": "7461726163652E6C6F6C20496F54", "apcli0": "", "eth2": "", "ra0": "", "eth_dhcp": "1", "VersionUpdate": "0", "NewVer": "0", "set_dns_enable": "1", "mcu_ver": "112", "mcu_ver_new": "0", "dsp_ver": "", "dsp_ver_new": "0", "date": "2023:07:27", "time": "10:32:33", "tz": "1.0000", "dst_enable": "1", "region": "unknown", "prompt_status": "1", "alexa_ver": "20180604", "iot_ver": "1.0.0", "upnp_version": "1005", "cap1": "0x8001400", "capability": "0x21484840", "languages": "0x204", "streams_all": "0x7fff33fd", "streams": "0x7f9831fd", "external": "0x0", "plm_support": "0x26", "preset_key": "6", "spotify_active": "1", "lbc_support": "0", "privacy_mode": "1", "WifiChannel": "0", "RSSI": "-70", "BSSID": "4A:A9:8A:BA:21:D5", "battery": "0", "battery_percent": "0", "securemode": "0", "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF280012-29AC-084B-92A3-B3D3FF280012", "uart_pass_port": "8899", "communication_port": "0", "web_firmware_update_hide": "0", "ignore_talkstart": "0", "web_login_result": "-1", "silenceOTATime": "", "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1", "new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1", "iheartradio_new": "1", "new_iheart_podcast": "1", "tidal_version": "2.0", "service_version": "1.0", "security": "https\/2.0", "security_version": "2.0" }

I’m not sure, you want a try?

Yeah happy to try; Nothing is showing up right now

If possible as well, to add this device too:

{ "uuid": "FF280012E14EBABE211166E7", "DeviceName": "Bathroom", "GroupName": "Bathroom", "ssid": "AudioPro_A10_013806", "language": "en_us", "firmware": "4.2.9526", "hardware": "A28", "build": "release", "project": "AudioPro_A10", "priv_prj": "AudioPro_A10", "project_build_name": "a28audiopro", "Release": "20210426", "temp_uuid": "821852043C43185B", "hideSSID": "1", "SSIDStrategy": "2", "branch": "stable\/wiimu-4.2", "group": "0", "internet": "1", "MAC": "00:22:6C:01:38:06", "STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:01:38:08", "CountryCode": "CN", "CountryRegion": "1", "netstat": "2", "essid": "7461726163652E6C6F6C20496F54", "apcli0": "", "eth2": "", "ra0": "", "eth_dhcp": "1", "VersionUpdate": "1", "NewVer": "4.2.335255", "mcu_ver": "115", "mcu_ver_new": "0", "dsp_ver": "", "dsp_ver_new": "0", "date": "2023:07:28", "time": "07:55:03", "tz": "1.0000", "dst_enable": "1", "region": "unknown", "prompt_status": "1", "alexa_ver": "20180604", "iot_ver": "1.0.0", "upnp_version": "1005", "cap1": "0x8001600", "capability": "0x20494840", "languages": "0x204", "streams_all": "0x7fff33fd", "streams": "0x7f9831fd", "external": "0x0", "plm_support": "0x6", "preset_key": "4", "spotify_active": "0", "lbc_support": "0", "privacy_mode": "1", "WifiChannel": "3", "RSSI": "-53", "battery": "0", "battery_percent": "0", "securemode": "0", "upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF280012-E14E-BABE-2111-66E7FF280012", "uart_pass_port": "8899", "communication_port": "0", "web_firmware_update_hide": "0", "ignore_talkstart": "0", "silenceOTATime": "", "ignore_silenceOTATime": "1", "new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1", "iheartradio_new": "1", "new_iheart_podcast": "1", "tidal_version": "2.0", "service_version": "1.0", "security": "https\/2.0", "security_version": "2.0" }

I’m trying different Linkplay / Arylic compatible devices and trying to pair them to have one big network, in this case those are two Audio Pros that I want to be able to use in a group with my other Arylic S10s in different rooms.
Unfortunately if it doesn’t work, it would be understandably my loss.

Thanks a lot for the help.

If possible, add this device as well:
{ “language”: “en_us”, “ssid”: “CL-250W_ED8D”, “hideSSID”: “1”, “SSIDStrategy”: “2”, “firmware”: “4.2.8715”, “build”: “release”, “project”: “CL_250WA31HB”, “priv_prj”: “CL_250WA31HB”, “project_build_name”: “a31slave_noasr”, “Release”: “20200915”, “branch”: “stable/wiimu-4.2”, “group”: “0”, “expired”: “0”, “internet”: “1”, “uuid”: “FF31F0125EB5E418A75C8650”, “MAC”: “00:22:6C:21:ED:8D”, “STA_MAC”: “00:22:6C:21:ED:8F”, “CountryCode”: “CN”, “CountryRegion”: “1”, “date”: “2023:08:08”, “time”: “10:42:10”, “tz”: “3.000000”, “dst_enable”: “1”, “netstat”: “0”, “essid”: “”, “apcli0”: “”, “eth2”: “”, “hardware”: “A31”, “VersionUpdate”: “0”, “NewVer”: “0”, “mcu_ver”: “14”, “mcu_ver_new”: “0”, “dsp_ver_new”: “0”, “ra0”: “”, “temp_uuid”: “C7057E4C41074B85”, “cap1”: “0x80085200”, “capability”: “0x28081840”, “languages”: “0x6”, “prompt_status”: “1”, “dsp_ver”: “”, “streams_all”: “0x7ffffffe”, “streams”: “0x7ffffffe”, “region”: “unknown”, “external”: “0x0”, “preset_key”: “10”, “plm_support”: “0x416”, “spotify_active”: “0”, “lbc_support”: “0”, “WifiChannel”: “11”, “RSSI”: “0”, “battery”: “0”, “battery_percent”: “0”, “securemode”: “0”, “iot_ver”: “1.0.0”, “upnp_version”: “1005”, “upnp_uuid”: “uuid:FF31F012-5EB5-E418-A75C-8650FF31F012”, “uart_pass_port”: “8899”, “communication_port”: “8819”, “web_firmware_update_hide”: “0”, “web_login_result”: “-1”, “ignore_talkstart”: “0”, “silenceOTATime”: “”, “ignore_silenceOTATime”: “1”, “new_tunein_preset_and_alarm”: “1”, “iheartradio_new”: “1”, “new_iheart_podcast”: “1”, “security”: “https/2.0”, “security_version”: “2.0”, “privacy_mode”: “0”, “user1”: “307:524”, “user2”: “1896:2097”, “DeviceName”: “CL-250W_ED8D”, “GroupName”: “CL-250W_ED8D” }
