If I understand correctly, the new firmware discussed here, is that one, right: New 4stream App and Firmware Upgrade 4.6.328252 - News / Firmware Update Log - Arylic Forum? The one, that broke multi-room compatibility with other devices?
I have just acquired a GGMM E3 and would like to be able to pair it with my Arylic S10’s. Will it help if you setup the redirection for my device, too? Thanks!
"language": "de-DE",
"ssid": "GGMM_E3_A6D4",
"hideSSID": "0",
"SSIDStrategy": "0",
"firmware": "4.2.8506",
"build": "release",
"project": "GGMM_E3",
"priv_prj": "GGMM_E3",
"project_build_name": "a31ggmmalexa",
"Release": "20200706",
"branch": "stable/wiimu-4.2",
"group": "0",
"expired": "0",
"internet": "1",
"uuid": "FF310080B5B58552F85437D8",
"MAC": "00:22:6C:83:A6:D4",
"STA_MAC": "00:22:6C:83:A6:D6",
"CountryCode": "CN",
"CountryRegion": "1",
"date": "2023:01:06",
"time": "22:30:10",
"tz": "0.000000",
"dst_enable": "1",
"netstat": "2",
"essid": "7368616B",
"apcli0": "<redacted>",
"eth2": "",
"hardware": "A31",
"VersionUpdate": "0",
"NewVer": "0",
"mcu_ver": "61",
"mcu_ver_new": "0",
"dsp_ver_new": "0",
"ra0": "",
"temp_uuid": "6A7978BB1A5AC6E5",
"cap1": "0x0",
"capability": "0x28e84000",
"languages": "0x4",
"alexa_ver": "20180604",
"dsp_ver": "0",
"streams_all": "0x7ffffffe",
"streams": "0x7ffffffe",
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"preset_key": "6",
"plm_support": "0x0",
"spotify_active": "0",
"lbc_support": "0",
"WifiChannel": "9",
"RSSI": "-85",
"battery": "0",
"battery_percent": "0",
"securemode": "1",
"auth": "WPAPSKWPA2PSK",
"encry": "AES",
"psk": "<redacted>",
"iot_ver": "1.0.0",
"upnp_version": "1005",
"upnp_uuid": "uuid:FF310080-B5B5-8552-F854-37D8FF310080",
"uart_pass_port": "8899",
"communication_port": "8819",
"web_firmware_update_hide": "0",
"web_login_result": "-1",
"ignore_talkstart": "0",
"silenceOTATime": "",
"ignore_silenceOTATime": "1",
"new_tunein_preset_and_alarm": "1",
"iheartradio_new": "1",
"new_iheart_podcast": "1",
"security": "https/2.0",
"security_version": "2.0",
"privacy_mode": "0",
"user1": "311:524",
"user2": "1896:2097",
"DeviceName": "GGMM_E3_A6D4",
"GroupName": "GGMM_E3_A6D4"