IR volume crontrol for grouped devices


I need to get my head around the multiroom thing for this project:

I need to go back through the command sets (HTTPAPI, TCP/IP, UART, DLNA/UPNP) and it seems BLE is a new one too :slightly_smiling_face: and with the help of Arylic figure out all the Master <> Slave Stuff. It’s definitely on other side (The MCU with a TCP/IP Service) but how it is presented to the various command sets needs some work to figure out. Also worth checking out Linkplay The A31 is the board used for a lot of the Arylic Products.

The Linkplay detailed documentation is poor (it’s more of an OEM thing IMHO). Arylic are very open, progressive & customer orientated. However there are limitations of what they can do with the A31 module - some functionality and peculiarities will always be dictated to some extent by Linkplay.

So I think the multiroom Master <> Slave Stuff was/is/could be a Linkplay thing. Just wanted to warn you if you weren’t aware.

Enjoy playing, the devices sound great for the money and offer plenty of functionality to boot :slight_smile: Keep going with the observations, questions etc. etc. :clap:

Kind Regards, Kevin