Thanks for a great product, I have a suggestion which regards to the online radio in the webplayer, I have added a station to my private list, and liked the fact that one can assign besides location and language also an image. unfortunately there is nothing foreseen to display “now playing” meta-data, I hardly know anything about coding, But I know that it is possible, for example VLC can somehow encode title and artist info.
A solution could be to allow the image field to contain a webpage, or use an existing embed player.
the radiochannel I’m playing for example has its player here: Radio 1 Classics - Radioplayer
the AAC track is here: http://icecast.vrtcdn.be/radio1_classics.aac
“Now playing” info is then fed through this IFRAME: VRT Radioplayer Frame
Another issue I would like to report, One of the U2s PRO V3 devices I have nearly always goes into setup mode after a power cycle. Only one device is behaving like this, I also have a U2s Mini and another U2SProV3 who are not showing this faulty behavior.
Apologies if this was asked already, I am just lazy and did not read the entire above discussion, it seems I have posted this in the wrong section