B50 Firmware Version Update 52-452f344c


Of course Mr. Jason, I will wait patiently :smiley:
Pls optimize USB playback issues also. Pls ref below quote.

Currently the above is not happening.

For those having usb drive recognition issues for firmware update, try to find an older usb drive that is usb 2.0, NOT USB 3.0. Make sure it is 4gbs or smaller. That helps.

I tried formatting a 32gb usb 3.0 Kingston with no luck.

I used an older 1gb Lear firefly usb 2.0 drive in FAT and it worked perfectly.

The app picked up the drive and the firmware update completed successfully.

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Please check the origin post, have updated the way to format USB drive under windows.

Hi. I tried to update the software and after connecting USB stick all the led lights went on but didn’t go off even after few minutes. I had to turn off the amp. Fortunately It didn’t brick the device but didn’t install the update either.

Hi Slawomir_Drobek:
Have you checked the device version on Co Control, please check if the update is complete, thanks.

Yes, still the old firmware

Hey Slawomir,
i strongly recommend using an other USB Drive. I tried 3 different types and sizes and only the third one actually applied the update. The one who did it, is a 1GB USB Drive from Intenso. Just give me your adress and I’ll send it to you…

Thanks, I was thinking of trying a different USB drive. That’s very kind of you, but I live abroad. I will get it cheaper at store than the shipping costs :slight_smile:

Hi Jason,
Any update regarding optimization of GoControl app.

Hi Sanath,
Currently it is under test, waiting for the completion of the test will be released together with the next version of the firmware, meet us :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh that’s great. Will wait for the announcement :slightly_smiling_face:

Has anyone had success changed USB format on Mac iOS? I can format to FAT16 on one of my spare flash drives, but still can’t get Amp to identify it

For anybody else struggling to get the update to work without a Windows PC, I had success from a Linux PC, by

  • creating a 100MB FAT(32) partition on the USB drive, leaving the rest empty
  • reformatting it as FAT 12 with mkfs.fat -F 12 -v /dev/sdX1
    and then copying there the .MVA file

@Gatorcosta it may be possible to do something similar from MacOS command line, but I haven’t tried.

In this situation anyway I think it would be best if Arylic could publish a disk image that people can write using BalenaEtcher or similar, without depending on Windows for creating a working USB drive.

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UPDATED: due to the way the forum handles text it wasn’t properly showing some parts of the commands - fixed now…

By default Apple Disk Utility wants to partition all storage with a GUID partition map. It is possible that while you have a valid FAT/FAT16 partition on your USB stick the B50 does not see it because it can’t read the GUID map.

The only way I know how to fix this is via the terminal - the commands you enter are in bold:
!!! Remove ALL external storage except the USB stick you want to use or you might end up erasing something you don’t want to !!!

diskutil list external
This will display a list of attached external drives - there should be only one if you followed the advice above
Make a note of /dev/disk# for your USB stick

diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk# MBR “MS-DOS FAT16” [name] 0
Replace the hash# in the above command with your device number from earlier and replace [name] with any 8 character or less all caps name eg ARYLIC for example:
diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk4 MBR “MS-DOS FAT16” ARYLIC 0
This should result in a blank FAT16 partition on an MBR partition map
Copy your firmware file as per instruction and try again
Good luck…

Is there any chance to downgrade firmware? Could you share file with previous version?
I updated the device hoping for better ARC and Samsung TV cooperation, but after the update, TV cannot recognise my Arylic B50. I’m forced to use Bluetooth connection.


I recently bought a B50 and have been attempting to upgrade the firmware from 48-b0ab8739-7 to 52-452f344c. I followed all the instructions, made a FAT (not FAT32) partition in Windows, and plugged my usb drive into the back of the B50. On the app, I am prompted to update, but when I tap “update,” the app freezes and either the lights on the B50 turn on and off quickly or they stay on for several minutes. Either way, the firmware is not shown as upgraded in the app. I’ve tried upgrading the firmware with multiple USB drives and multiple phones. I am also using the latest version of the app. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

Hey Ben,
as I already proposed to Slawomir a few lines above, I could send you my Intenso 1GB USB drive with wich the firmware upgrade worked just fine. Email me your adress and I’ll send it to you if you like…


I can’t make the update of the firmware. I get the promt for the update in the app, I clik confirm, all the light just for a fraction of a second and then nothing happens. Ans so on… promt in the app…all tha same every time.

my update brick the b50 , the lights was turned on always, and after manually reboot, it’s not turn on , it’s alwasy on standby.
nothing to do for me.
why ?

Hello, I followed the instructions and had no problem at all.
Would it be possible for usb to read folders instead of
files, this will make search easier.