Arylic Amp V4 board - Logitech Media Server - Airplay Bridge

Hi to this forum,

I have a question and hope someone knows this issue.
I have a Logitech media Server (LMS) on a NAS and use the Airplay bridge. I have several speakers with Airplay (Bose, WHD) who works perfect with this setup. When installing the Arylic board, it is recognized and I can select it as speaker in LMS. However, during playback I get dropouts (1 second play, 1 second dropout). Anyone who uses an Arylic board with LMS and Airplay bridge who knows this issue and solved it?



Hi @michi71

I use Synology NAS & Audio Station (Server). The performance using Airplay was not great for me either. However if I use the DLNA Bridge thinks work fine.

Also you could try “pulling” from the Server. So in the 4 STREAM APP Select, My Music, Home Media Share and you might see you’re LMS there.

Hope this helps


This is a known bug and did not push to ota yet, please refer this post for a temp solution New update causing iTunes Airplay Issues - #31 by zpl1025

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Thanks, I did not found this post (seems I’m actually the only one using up2stream with Logitech Media Server and Airplay Bridge plugin fom philippe).

This did it and streaming works perfect now.


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I connected Up2Stream Amp board to the LMS via a AirBrige plugin. in the 4STREAM application, I see what is playing, the name of the track, but there is no sound! ((
There is a normal sound through the Airplay iPhine. is ok.

Same here, I get no sound using LMS + Airplay Bridge plugin and Arylic Up2Stream AMP. The 4Stream app shows that media is playing but there is no audio from the speakers.

I did not know about the Airplay Bridge, so I took an old Raspberry Pi and installed PiCore which turns it into a good old Squeezebox player, I then plug the output from the Pi into the Arylic and when I want to play music from my LMS I just use the Pi as the source. It works great. The one thing I have not been able to get working is using the USB out from the Pi to get higher end sound (though I don’t detect any issue with using the analog output).

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