You can find all our API files here and we will keep update.
And welcome to report an error and leave your suggestions in the comments below.
You can find all our API files here and we will keep update.
And welcome to report an error and leave your suggestions in the comments below.
very useful information! thanks!
Hi Joy.
There’s an inaccuracy. For example, the virtual bass is switched by the command MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:VBS:T&
There’s no mention of RAKOIT
Thanks Joy for the update.
Unfortunately nothing new on the UART side !
@DiyAudio @Dmitry @Cheeks @Joy
Would a similar documentation to HTTP for UART (with tested command set) be helpful for you ?
In the API Documentation world we (@phranck & @NWT.Stuff are volunteers & contributors (not paid)). So to know what you would like to see is essential before we make that effort.
The documentation is perfect for me !
I thought that the new documentation was relative to the new FW update. But apparently it’s not the case !
And in this update there is unfortunately no new UART commands.
Sorry for the misunderstanding from my side and thanks for your works guys !
@DiyAudio Paul,
No misunderstanding at all. The intention is to publish UART commands in the same format.
Correct the API developers documentation is completely independent of Firmware Updates however in the future if a New Firmware Update includes expanded command set (e.g. UART) then the sensible approach would also be to publish the updates at roughly the same time.
There might be
. It’s a difficult situation to manage. There are LinkPlay UART Commands, Arylic UART Commands style “RAKOIT” and I am not sure there is someone with the full picture and it is not systematically documented (probably due to limited resources in LinkPlay & Arylic).
There will for sure be a better way of Commutating Updates to Command Sets but the path is not apparent yet. My personal view is that documenting HTTPAPI, TCP/IP, DLNA/UPnP & UART as proposed by @phranck & @zpl1025 is the best way forward. The downside is that it is time consuming and not our day jobs
Kind Regards, Kevin
Hello, I can not open the HTTP API documentation. Is the server down or is there a other location where I can find it?
Kind Regards, Thomas
I have noticed a couple of commands that are missing from the HTTPAPI.
Volume ++ (Increases Volume by 7 steps (in the 0-100 Range)
Volume – (Decreases Volume by 7 steps (in the 0-100 Range)
Sorry this was my fault as I obviously didn’t check all the commands at the time. I am happy to correct and have another sweep through the documentation in the coming week.
@mclarkdev you may be interested in these commands.
Regards, Kevin
Well that would have been useful, my ESP32 firmware currently reads the volume from getPlayerStatus before making an adjustment. This will save a few extra milliseconds and removes one additional call to the API
This is a short discussion about some observations I have made about the HTTPAPI with regards to Multiroom Volume.
@zpl1025 could you please confirm
Many thanks in advance, Kevin
Hi Kevin, no HTTP API for group volume, I’ll try to request for one.
And currently, the alternative way is to use the TCP method to send command directly to MCU, and this is the part I can control, and can add a command to adjust the group volume, it would be more easy.
The link to the http api seems to be broken. Can an updated link be provided. Thanks
Now is available
Hello I am using up2stream mini and developing my own app for personal projects, so far I have connected to the arylic device via wifi but I am unable to obtain an IP via code , the only IP I get is something like and here http doesn’t work, http requests only works when I use a for the same device.( I obtained this IP when I connected my PC with arylic device and obtained it under the tag DNS server)
You connect your phone to MINI directly, right? If so, the MINI is working in router mode, and it will assign itself with IP, and the should be IP assigned for you phone.
And normally, the MINI should work in station mode, and connect to an external AP. And while your PC or Phone connect to the same network, you could use standard SSDP to discover MINI.
Okay thankyou so much kind sir, I understood most part.
I just have one question do the devices always have the same static IP of they are in router mode? After I have connected them to the home network, they behave in station mode and automatically connect everytime. I am a bit new to ssdp, do you have any pseudo code or resources for me to discover specially arylic devices connected to the same network