Okay, just to let you know…
I have taken the slightly outdated and cumbersome PDF with the HTTP API documentation and transferred it into a more developer-friendly format. There are still a few commands missing, but I will add them in the next time.

I currently host the API documentation under a sub-domain of mine. You can find it here:

Then a request to Arylic (@zpl1025): Perhaps you could also take a look at this documentation and review it. There are a lot of response fields that are currently marked with !!! Documentation is MISSING !!!. It would be very helpful for all developers if this documentation were updated first hand. :smiley:

If you find any errors or wrong doumentations, or if you have any suggestions please let me know.
Thanks :pray:t3:

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I’m now preparing the firmware release, and will work on API documents later soon.

That is great news. To handle things lightweight, you can contribute to this project:

It is the repo from which the hosted API doc, mentioned above, is made from. The documentation is built from Markdown files you can find in source/includes. If you have any questions, please let me know (DM or email).

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Thanks Frank, that’s a lot of efforts. I’ll build the developer website to host these documents.

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@phranck Great Work and a really nice way of presenting the Interface :+1: :+1:

I am hopeful that I will be using it soon :pray: with maybe one of the following:-

  1. Rhasppy Voice Control on Home Assistant Platform or with Python Scripts
  2. Python requests
  3. PHP

If you had to start to understand using this interface which option would you choose ?

Kind Regards, Kevin

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Thanks Kevin!
Regarding your question: Hmpf… I am currently developing a Swift package for an iOS app (should be replacement for 4STREAM :smiley:). I’m still at the very beginning, but it’s developing slowly. Currently the Bonjour device discovery is working. Communication with the LinkPlay API is still to come (I also designed the API documentation for this, among other things).



Sounds Cool look forward to seeing how you progress. Not great with Apple (I can use it however :slight_smile: )

I guess will probably go with Python Requests as it’s clearly in my comfort zone. PHP for Animation (probably :joy:)

Been using this morning.

All good so far. Will have another session next week :slight_smile:
OK for Device Info, Play Status, Volume, Mute,

Regards, Kevin

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Great! Unfortunately, it isn’t complete yet. Have spare time atm. But, feel free to contribute. Just fork this project, make changes/additions and open a pull request. It’s that simple! :smiley:

If you have any questions how to contribute, please let me know.

OK Frank, Happy to contribute. I’ll try to edit next week. I can add some stuff as I am going through all the commands. :slight_smile:

Hi Kevin,

I’m just wondering if the API doc, which can be found on (V1.0.1), is a very recent version, or if you indent to update it some time soon?

Thanks in advance



Hi @pauly

Welcome to the Forum. I can’t actually remember exactly when it was published. It is the most up to date version that you will find.

I recently noticed a couple of omissions.

It could certainly do with

  • A sweep from myself to check for any errors or omissions
  • A check with Arylic @zpl1025 for new commands. Note HTTPAPI is added by Linkplay Not Arylic
  • Update and publish the revised documentation.

If you are aware errors or emissions please don’t hesitate to feedback.

Also if you have a specific question about specific functionality you are looking for just post it as there may be a way. There are also additional command sets UART, TCP/IP, a pretty new BLE Interface.

Hope this helps, Kevin

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Thanks a lot Kevin,

Your three points mentioned would certainly help. :wink:


@pauly Peter,

I’ll try to achieve the 3 points for the end of next week. The time is right for a review :slight_smile:

However, don’t expect any major functionality upgrades; my gut feeling is it will be more corrections and the occasional command that wasn’t accounted for :thinking:

Good luck with your projects, Kevin

Hi! Thank you so much for your hard work!
I use Arylic SA100: is it possible to change Treble and Bass via this http-api?

Hi, treble and bass is not able to change via HTTP API, but could be set via TCP packages. I’ve just not prepared the documents yet…