@zitev With all due respect, that’s not how VPN’s work. If the VPN client on my phone changed the phone’s local IP then the phone would lose all network connectivity, thus rendering everything inoperable. In fact, every VPN in the world would be fundamentally broken if it worked that way.
If you want an example, connect your phone and arylic to your home wifi, enable phone VPN, then try to connect to your Arylic device (or any device on your LAN) by opening the phone’s browser and navigating to http://DEVICE_IP. As long as the device is taking http requests, the connection will be successful because both your phone and the device are on the same LAN subnet. The fact that the VPN is enabled has no bearing whatsoever, because the phone is the client and the device is the server and both are on the same subnet.
On the other hand, public servers (i.e. servers on the WAN, aka servers on the internet) are on public subnet and would see client requests coming from a public IP. If your phone VPN is disabled, the public server would see the request coming from your modem’s public IP (provided by your ISP). If the phone VPN is enabled, the public server would see requests coming from your VPN provider’s public IP. If the public server allows your modem IP but does not allow your VPN IP, then you would see things break when you enabled/disabled the phone’s VPN client. But, no matter what you do, your LAN IP does not change, and the public server has no idea what your LAN IP is, because it’s completely irrelevant.
So, again, why is 4STREAM acting like a public server and using a public/WAN IP to function? It may be completely innocent, but it’s important to understand for troubleshooting and for privacy.
The app is on my phone, which should ideally act like the server on my LAN. When the client (arylic device) and server (4STREAM on my phone) are on the same subnet they should be able to communicate with one another. However, when a VPN is on, the public IP changes (the local IP stays the same) and 4STREAM breaks. The only logical reasoning behind this is that the 4STREAM server is actually centralized outside my local network, and it is taking requests, gathering data, and serving data ACROSS THE WEB. Moreover, it would break if my internet went down! Why would that be?
*Edited for clarity and tone