Up2Stream Mini: suddenly not able to re-connect with WiFi

I have an Up2Stream Mini that suddenly is not able to re-connect with the WiFi network of my FRITZ!BoX 7590 JX. It has been connected with the FRITZ!Box for 6 months without any problem. But suddenly it lost connection and now I am not able to re-connect again.

Things tried, but didn’t work:

  • On the router I am using the 2.4Ghz
  • Encryption is set to (only) WPA2
  • I have reset the Mini and tried to re-install it.
  • I have set the WiFi to a different channel.
  • I set my iPhone as a hotspot, but also my iPhones hotspot SSID did not show up in the list of available WiFi networks.
  • I tried the WiiM App, it did recognize the Mini, but also failed in showing the WiFi SSID to connect to. Manually adding that also did not work.

One of the issues of the install procedure with 4Stream, is that in the step of connecting to the WiFi network, 4Stream does not show the SSID of my router in the list. If I put it in manually, it tries connecting but in the end fails.

What I also saw was that when 4Stream App tries to connect the Mini to the WiFi, it says ‘Connecting (null) to WiFi’. I think this means that 4Stream App did not pick up a correct SSID of the WiFi network. While the SSID does no show in 4Stream, it does on my iPhone, and my iPhone is able to connect.


  • What can I do to solve this?

FRITZ!Box 5790 JX picture:

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In the meantime, I have had contact with AVM, the company providing FRITZ!Box.
I have exchanged extended information about this case, and they have given me several items to check or change in the router.
I have also made all these checks, but unfortunately, none of them resulted in a resolution.

Which makes me doubt if maybe, there is some issue with the 4Stream App. Because, it is clear that the FRITZ!Box does broadcast its SSID’s, and it is possible to connect to them with other WiFi devices than the Up2Stream Mini.

Question (also @zpl1025)

  • Did anyone ever experience that 4Stream does not show the target SSID of the WiFi to connect a Up2Stream product to (e.g. Mini, S10, …)? While at the same moment, other devices can connect to it.

  • Has there been any update to the Firmware or to the 4Stream App, that might be of influence?