Up2Stream HD DAC - Encoder Issue

Hello, I recently purchased an Up2Stream HD DAC and the encoder volume knob. Everything is working well and the DAC sounds great on Airplay2.

While I am able to get the push button function of the encoder knob to work through the “key” GPIO connection (using the proper 100ohm resistance in series for the MODE function,) but the encoder pins GPIO1 & GPIO2, connected to GPIO EN-A & EN-B (and ground obviously) cause problems… No volume control sadly… Turning the knob to either left or right just causes a reboot, every time! I have tried swapping EN-A & EN-B and that didn’t make any difference. same result. :frowning:

Any suggestions? I have read elsewhere that maybe some capacitors are needed to make this work? If so, please enlighten me… Frustrated.


Hi jaymc,

Looking at the Arylic comparison table (in Support on their website) it shows the accessories with an asterisk and a reference ‘2’ but I cannot find any other reference to what this means.
Looking on the accessories page and the volume control encoder, the HD DAC is not mentioned as compatible?
Were you advised or have you read that it is?

The “2” indicator that you mention is the only “documented” reference to the DAC and the volume encoder as an available option that I have found. There are several other threads, however that include photos of the volume encoder connected to the DAC. Not sure if the builders found success integrating the two units.