Up2Steam 2.1 plate amp LEDs

I am new to setting up this plate amp (or any amp for that matter). I want to remotly mount the LEDs on the face of my project but I have never done this before. I did a search on this but found minimal info on the nuts and bolts of getting it done.
Looking at the board it looks like a 9 Pin connector but what kind? I have a few questions:

  1. What connector? Is it standard? If so where to get one.
  2. Can it be purchased woth a ribbon wire that I can connect the LEDs to directly?
  3. What LEDs? What voltage? What resitors (if needed)

Sorry for the elementary questions. I am on uncharted ground here.


Hi Matthew,
JST PH2.0 male, you will find them on eBay complete with cables attached.
You will need 1000 ohm (1K) 1/4 watt resistors and LEDs of your choice (colour and diameter) the flat side of a LED is the cathode (negative) and the longer leg the anode (positive connection). The resistors are soldered to the anode leg of the LEDs, the +VE is supplied from the JST connector.

Thank you Steve,

This is just the info I needed. A couple more questions.

  1. Is there a way to wire in a “power on” LED? One that glows all the time if the power is on?

  2. If the plate is on the back of the speaker, do I need to add a remote IR receiver to the front so I can use the remote? Any info on parts and wiring would be helpful.

Hi Matthew,

Yes, you could wire a power on light between the 3.3v and ground connections, a forward voltage of the LED would be required to work out a resistor size.

Also yes, a IR sensor would be advised for good communication. Some soldering at the connector end would probably be required as I’m not sure what cable is supplied with the IR board.

Thank you again Steve.

I think this would work.