Turn an old dead Tube Radio into powerful wireless speaker / Amplifier

Hi everyone.

Below I present you a great little project easy to make at home.

the project is based on a small dead tube radio made in the 1950s that I bought second-hand, the electronic card inside is completely destroyed and irreparable, but the facade of the radio
and the aesthetics in general in good condition.

For all these reasons I decided to give new life to this radio by replacing all the dead electronics with a wireless amplifier card with the possibility of having wifi / bluetouth / usb connectivity and of course having the main possibility of playing internet radio station.

After some research I ordered the Up2Stream Amp V4 card which will allow me to have everything I want in the radio and with a very strong amplification of 100w based on a good quality digital amp.

This card’s power exceeds what I need to drive the internal loudspeaker of the radio that I have kept, but as noted in the title the project is more than a radio, it is also a werless hifi amplifier.

For that reason I installed a switch that will allow me to operate either the internal loudspeaker, or a powerful external loudspeaker to benefit from the high power of the card.

For this fact the card needs a good power supply that I made based on a 2*18v Ac 2A transformer, a 4700uf pro capacitor and a pair of powerful diodes.

On radio, I kept the internal loudspeaker, the on/off switch and the bindings post to connect an external speaker.

really after installing the card, the sound is really great and very transparent especially with my jbl 4628b pro speaker.

Attached some photos of the project, for more you can see the video of fabrication and many other projects on my youtube channel, here is the link of the video: