Sum L and R aux output from U2S HD DAC

Hi everyone,

I want to use the U2S HD DAC to feed an active sub. I have tested it with just the right aux channel and all woks well. I am worried I might miss some stereolised low range if ignoring the left and would like to sum the L and R aux line levels.

Is it just a case of adding resistors to Y together the L and R?
47kOhm enough or too much?

I have been using line level LFE input. The subs built in filter can filter below whatever comes in from an LFE output device so it does work if I feed it full spectrum signals. So really my question is just about summing uax into mono

Hi Brett,
With regard to subwoofers, there is no stereo localization in frequencies that low and so there is little or no benefit from combining both channels to produce a mono signal.

If you do want to combine the channels, choose smaller value resistors 1k to 2.7k kind of values should do.