Hello All,
I have 1 Amp V4, One Amp 2.1 and one Mini V3 with SPIDF-out board.
When i listen to very quiet music or when there is a pause in the music, i can hear some noise with both amps, This does not happen with the mini V3 connected by SPDIF to a Denon amp or by jack to another DIY LM3886 amp.
The Amp v4 is powered by the Arylic power brick, the 2.1 is powered by a 24v 10 amps SMPS.
The noise is like a quiet white noise, faint, yet present. With quiet music, the signal is drown into this and it’s annoying (I’m close to the speakers since i use them as monitors).
If i pause the music, it is there and stops after 30s when the amp goes to sleep.
Since this does not happen with the Mini board, i guess the issue comes from the amp itself, like if it has some floor noise…
Am i the only one noticing this ? Is there a trick to be applied somewhere to get rid of this ?
Because of this i’ll work on a new “hybrid” amp for my desk by getting an Amp Mono with the DAC board, connected to my LM3886 amp. The mono will get the signal and i’ll use it’s DSP for sound shaping, sending the stereo through the dac to the LM and the mono will be used for the Subwoofer.
Without this slight noise in the amps for critical listening, Arylic is a a really great products and i’ve convinced quite some friends to get them for their home projects. I’m really fond of the stuff
I had a similar issue. I came to the conclusion that the reason for this is the proximity of the WiFi module and antenna to the analog circuits of the board. Of course, when outputting a signal via SPDIF, this problem does not arise.
I don’t know how much noise is in your project, but in my Amp 2.1 I solved the problem like this
Thank you Irek, i’ll give it a shot, but last night i actually took the Wifi module out as i was streaming by USB to the board and had the same noise.
One thing happend also, when the Wifi Module was out, the wired net connection was also lost (could not ping the board).
Interesting. I haven’t tried removing the WiFi module completely, I’ve only switched to Ethernet. The noise continued. Is it really the DAC/DSP that is so noisy? Still, try the trick with shielding.
Pierrot I think if you look a bit around on posts to the forum there is some confusion about how to disable WLAN Card and the the relationship with LAN Port. There is a Web Management Interface but it is still missing that important enable/disable WLAN or LAN which would be very useful.
Like you I really like the Arylic products but we shouldn’t have to find weird solutions to choose WiFi or LAN port. Much clearer to be able select the method of Ethernet TCP/IP connection
@zpl1025 would be a good addition to Web UI but maybe not possible due to Linkplay restrictions ??
Thank you zpl1025.
Just received the Amp Mono and the DAC board, which i connected to my LM3886 amp… and unfortunately, the noise is there also. If i disconnect the cinch cable to my LM, no noise whatsoever… so it definitelly comes from the boards when they have an AMP.
I have to check with the Analog out from the board instead of using the dac board.
I just found out that the USB dac function introduces a lot of noise… at least from my PC.
I’ll check from a laptop and will also check with spdif input.