I have installed in a client 5 arylic SA100
he call to say that hi has problems with the volume
firmware is 4.6.415145.35
the volume is allways at 50% more or less, you can move the slide bar but no results.
only when you put it to 0, then it powers the volume off.
if you move the bar it goes again to that 50%
what can I do???
Is there any upgrade or downgrade that solves this problem???
Factory reset is not a option!!!
Hi, From the issue you’ve described, it seems that the device have set with fixed volume. Regarding the max volume, it is adjusted with the volume knob on device. And if you could go to the client house, you could try check this point. Maybe test it with device on hand before you go.
Download the uart_passthrough_test tool, it is used to send the TCP commands. And then you can read the following settings with with sending this command: MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:VOF&. And if found it is 1 then you could turn it off with sending this command: MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:VOF:0&.
I’m not sure why it’s changed, but could give it a try.
I have the same problem with SA100 (firmware is 4.6.415145.35). Volume control doesn’t work. Volume is about 50% I think. I can’t use test tool since I’m working on Mac. I did factory reset, but it didn’t help.
Any solution?
Same issue here where the slide bar has no effect on the volume for the SA100. Only when it is put to 0 the volume is off. A power cycle resolves this issue for a while, but after a certain time it reappears. The device is not set with fixed volume settings → MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:VOF:0&
Any other ideas on this problem?