I have an audible hiss when when no content is playing but only when I am using the Toslink input through my S50 pro+. Content plays normally but when it stops then my speakers have a low level noise that is pretty annoying.
The sound is present even when i lower the volume of the S50 pro+ to 0
The hiss is not present when I am streaming through the S50 pro+ directly.
I use the S50 pro+ as a preamplifier for two channel audio when I am using my LG projector.
Please suggest possible solutions and reasons for the issue.
Setup details:
Nvidia shield connected to projector through HDMI
LG HF85LA projector connected to S50 pro+ through optical
S50 pro+ connected to emotiva Basx A2 power amplifier
I think this is a phenomenon of the cheap dsp solution of arylic products, this noise also exists with the A50, unfortunately it can do so much for so much money…
Can arylic confirm this low level noise on the s50 pro+ many of us are experiencing using it as a pre-amp, does not meet it’s claimed S/N of 110dB at low volume levels?
@Marcel unfortunately I don’t know, I have just an old s50 pro and I mostly listen to radio streams on it as well (my home theater amplifier has a network player and I use it as the main player). I think that these cheap devices are compromise solutions, They do not replace technically well-built, but therefore more expensive systems. If sound quality is important, it is definitely worth getting a dedicated external DAC. There are some interesting measuring datas about Arylic S50 pro here: Arylic S50 pro measurements and comparisons | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
TLDR: The noise might come from interference, because the stock interconnects are the cheapest on the market. Get yourself some nice shielded ones.
Hi guys, sorry to bump this thread, but I had the same issue with my arylic s50 pro plus and I seem to have solved it.
When I listened to music, everything was fine, but once I stopped playing and the arylic went into standby - I started hearing a noise (hiss with pops). The noise was on the same level regardless of the volume of the device. At 50% gain on my amp it was more noticeable.
I went on a crazy hunt to debug what’s causing the noise. Tried different power strips, tried connecting everything to a separate power source (ecoflow). Nothing was fixing the issue.
Then I reached out to a friend, and while following his advice I discovered that I can still hear the noise when the player is unplugged from the wall. I still heard the noise when I unplugged the rca cables from the player. He tested the same thing on his setup – no noise when rca cables are only inserted into the amp, with other ends free.
His suggestion was to replace the rca interconnects. I bought supplies and made myself a pair of rca interconnects with coaxial cable and rca plugs. Plugged them in… and there were no noise at all! Whether they were plugged into the arylic or not. No noise when arylic was in standby either.
So, my solution is - buy different interconnects, or make them yourself. Just make sure they have shielding.
I’m surprised that arylic doesn’t supply interconnects that at least don’t have this issue. This issue is going to make bad first impression, and it matters.