Problème connexion b50 au pc via usb c

Bonjour a tous,
nouveau acquéreur d’un B50, j’ai un soucis de connexion au pc laptop.
Le b50 est raccordé au pc par usb c des 2 coté mais le pc ne détecte pas le b50, je ne peux utiliser que le Bluetooth pour l’instant…
Avez vous déjà eu ce problème ici ?
En vous remerciant par avance

Hi Gerald,

Welcome to forum.

You need to switch to USBDAC mode to make it work with PC.

And if you’ve done that and still can’t connect to PC. I’m afraid the B50 on your hand is from the beginning batch and which has an issue with the USB-C port, it does not configure the CC resistor to work in slave mode. We’ve solved this issue in next batch, maybe you could request a replace with the support team, with a remark for this issue.

Hello and thank you for the reply. I just tested some things and the solution to my problem was simple actually. You should not use a USB C to USB C cable, but a USB C to USB A cable. the b50 is well recognized now. Gerald