Old radio with Up2Stream 2.1 amp

Found arylic when searching for multi room sound options. Will be installing in-ceiling speakers in some of the rooms in the house, and plan to use a central cabinet for the amplifiers. Arylic Up2Stream 2.1 ticks all the boxes for me, multi room that can be synced and connected to wired speakers. Also the price for a full house will be much lower than using sonos or similar systems.

I wanted to test the boards first, so I had this old radio that was in the house when i bought it. Radionette symfoni Hifi from 1960’s sometime.

Disconnected the speakers from the original amplifier and connected speakers temporarily to Up2Stream, all working good, and got the speaker in spotify and home assistant :slight_smile:

Removed all old amplifier components not needed anymore to give more space to the Up2Stream. Some parts still there as i wanted the buttons and dials to work mechanically (no function against the Up2Stream).

Some future upgrades possible, installing potmeters on the original dials so they can control volume/bass, maybe at a later stage :slight_smile: