Please check the following for the UART messages:
{param} | this is a field for a param, you should replace it with a specified text in actual message to send | |
[ ] | optional | |
NA | not available | |
message | normally query current state when execute with no param, and normally set the value when continued with param | |
execution | UART (some model) | message need to be terminated with ; |
uart passthrough tool | message need to be sent in this format: MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:{message}& | |
ACPWorkbench | send via Tag button without response. And need to close the window for each execution |
message | api | response | param | description |
VER | 3 | VER:{firmware}-{commit}-{api} | {firmware} firmware version {commit} git commit when building {api} api version |
get firmware version information |
STA | 3 | MCU+PAS+STA:{source},{mute}, {volume},{treble},{bass},{net}, {internet},{playing},{led}, {upgrading} |
{source} NET/USB/USBDAC/LINE-IN/ LINE-IN2/BT/OPT/COAX/I2S/HDMI {mute} 0/1 {volume} 0~100 {treble} -10~10 {bass} -10~10 {net} 0/1 {internet} 0/1 {playing} 0/1 {led} 0/1 {upgrading} 0/1 |
get system running state |
SYS:{cmd} | 3 | NA | {cmd} REBOOT/STANDBY/RESET/RECOVER | system control, reboot device, enter standby, factory reset, recover all data |
WWW | 3 | WWW:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | get internet state |
AUD[:{onoff}] | 3 | AUD:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | get/set audio output |
SRC[:{source}] | 3 | SRC:{source} | {source} NET/USB/USBDAC/LINE-IN/ LINE-IN2/BT/OPT/COAX/I2S/HDMI |
get/set current input source |
VOL[:{volume}] | 3 | VOL:{volume} | {volume} 0 ~ 100 | get/set volume |
MUT[:{onoff}] | 3 | MUT:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle | get/set mute |
BAS[:{bass}] | 3 | BAS:{bass} | {bass} -10 ~ 10 | get/set BASS value |
TRE[:{treble}] | 3 | TRE:{treble} | {treble} -10 ~ 10 | get/set TREBLE value |
POP | 3 | NA | only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) | play or pause |
STP | 3 | NA | only available in NET/USB mode | stop |
NXT | 3 | NA | only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) | next |
PRE | 3 | NA | only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) | previous |
BTC[:{onoff}] | 3 | BTC:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | get current bt connection state, or reconnect/disconnect current device. only available in BT mode and device with no external bt module. Control will have no return |
PLA | 3 | PLA:{playing} | {playing} 0/1, wifi playing status | get current network playback state |
CHN | 3 | CHN:{channel} | {channel} L/R/S | get current channel state |
MRM | 3 | MRM:{mode} | {mode} S/M/N, slave/master/none | get current multiroom state |
LED[:{onoff}] | 3 | LED:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle | get/set LED state |
BEP[:{beep}] | 3 | BEP:{beep} | {beep} 0/1, off/on | get/set beep key sound, enabled or disabled. |
PST:{preset} | 3 | NA | {preset} 0 ~ 10 | get/set PRESET value |
VBS[:{onoff}] | 3 | VBS:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle | get/set virtual bass |
WRS | 3 | NA | wifi reset | |
LPM[:{loopmode}] | 3 | LPM:{loopmode} | {loopmode} REPEATALL/REPEATONE/ REPEATSHUFFLE/SHUFFLE/SEQUENCE |
set/get loopmode for network playback |
NAM[:{name}] | 3 | NAM:{name} | {name} hexed string with UTF8 encoding eg: 536F756E6453797374656D5F39383235 = SoundSystem_9825 |
set/get current device name. Remains after factory reset |
ETH | 3 | ETH:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | get ethernet state |
WIF | 3 | WIF:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | get wifi state |
PMT[:{onoff}] | 4 | PMT:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | set/get current prompt voice state, enabled or disabled. Remains after factory reset |
PRG[:{onoff}] | 4 | PRG:{onoff} | {onoff} 0/1 | set/get pregain before tone, enabled or disabled |
DLY[:{mute_delay}] | 4 | DLY:{mute_delay} | {mute_delay} 1~60 | set/get delay time before system output control, default 30 |
MXV[:{max_vol}] | 4 | MXV:{max_vol} | {max_volume} 30~100 | set/get system max volume. Remains after factory reset |
ASW[:{auto_swith}] | 4 | ASW:{auto_switch} | {auto_switch} 0/1 | enable/disable the auto switch to previous source after playback stopped (network) |
POM[:{source}] | 4 | POM:{source} | {source} system source | set the input mode when power on, NONE for keeping last source. |
ZON:{zone}:{msg} | 4 | related to {msg} sent | {zone} zone index, or use ALL to all zones {msg} detailed API message |
send API message to specified zone, and will reply with the response message only available on model M400, zone index can be set by 7 PINs on right side |