Latest API documents and UART protocols

Please check the following for the UART messages:

{param} this is a field for a param, you should replace it with a specified text in actual message to send
[ ] optional
NA not available
message normally query current state when execute with no param, and normally set the value when continued with param
execution UART (some model) message need to be terminated with ;
uart passthrough tool message need to be sent in this format: MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:{message}&
ACPWorkbench send via Tag button without response. And need to close the window for each execution
message api response param description
VER 3 VER:{firmware}-{commit}-{api} {firmware} firmware version
{commit} git commit when building
{api} api version
get firmware version information
STA 3 MCU+PAS+STA:{source},{mute},
{mute} 0/1
{volume} 0~100
{treble} -10~10
{bass} -10~10
{net} 0/1
{internet} 0/1
{playing} 0/1
{led} 0/1
{upgrading} 0/1
get system running state
SYS:{cmd} 3 NA {cmd} REBOOT/STANDBY/RESET/RECOVER system control, reboot device, enter standby, factory reset, recover all data
WWW 3 WWW:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 get internet state
AUD[:{onoff}] 3 AUD:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 get/set audio output
SRC[:{source}] 3 SRC:{source} {source} NET/USB/USBDAC/LINE-IN/
get/set current input source
VOL[:{volume}] 3 VOL:{volume} {volume} 0 ~ 100 get/set volume
MUT[:{onoff}] 3 MUT:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle get/set mute
BAS[:{bass}] 3 BAS:{bass} {bass} -10 ~ 10 get/set BASS value
TRE[:{treble}] 3 TRE:{treble} {treble} -10 ~ 10 get/set TREBLE value
POP 3 NA only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) play or pause
STP 3 NA only available in NET/USB mode stop
NXT 3 NA only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) next
PRE 3 NA only available in BT/NET/USB mode (*1) previous
BTC[:{onoff}] 3 BTC:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 get current bt connection state, or reconnect/disconnect current device.
only available in BT mode and device with no external bt module.
Control will have no return
PLA 3 PLA:{playing} {playing} 0/1, wifi playing status get current network playback state
CHN 3 CHN:{channel} {channel} L/R/S get current channel state
MRM 3 MRM:{mode} {mode} S/M/N, slave/master/none get current multiroom state
LED[:{onoff}] 3 LED:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle get/set LED state
BEP[:{beep}] 3 BEP:{beep} {beep} 0/1, off/on get/set beep key sound, enabled or disabled.
PST:{preset} 3 NA {preset} 0 ~ 10 get/set PRESET value
VBS[:{onoff}] 3 VBS:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1/T, off/on/toggle get/set virtual bass
WRS 3 NA wifi reset
LPM[:{loopmode}] 3 LPM:{loopmode} {loopmode} REPEATALL/REPEATONE/
set/get loopmode for network playback
NAM[:{name}] 3 NAM:{name} {name} hexed string with UTF8 encoding
eg: 536F756E6453797374656D5F39383235 = SoundSystem_9825
set/get current device name. Remains after factory reset
ETH 3 ETH:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 get ethernet state
WIF 3 WIF:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 get wifi state
PMT[:{onoff}] 4 PMT:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 set/get current prompt voice state, enabled or disabled. Remains after factory reset
PRG[:{onoff}] 4 PRG:{onoff} {onoff} 0/1 set/get pregain before tone, enabled or disabled
DLY[:{mute_delay}] 4 DLY:{mute_delay} {mute_delay} 1~60 set/get delay time before system output control, default 30
MXV[:{max_vol}] 4 MXV:{max_vol} {max_volume} 30~100 set/get system max volume. Remains after factory reset
ASW[:{auto_swith}] 4 ASW:{auto_switch} {auto_switch} 0/1 enable/disable the auto switch to previous source after playback stopped (network)
POM[:{source}] 4 POM:{source} {source} system source set the input mode when power on, NONE for keeping last source.
ZON:{zone}:{msg} 4 related to {msg} sent {zone} zone index, or use ALL to all zones
{msg} detailed API message
send API message to specified zone, and will reply with the response message
only available on model M400, zone index can be set by 7 PINs on right side