I burnt my mini -- BP1064A2 change?

Hi there,

This is my first post after years of reading, thanks to all for sharing your knowledge.

I currently own 5 up2stream/arylic devices. Today doing some tests at my desk, my mini v4 took (I think) 24v across main ground and line ground with ground pin disconnected, and BP1064A2 smoked. Every other part seems to be just right. Mini is not showing life signs in any way.

The question is: may I just resolder a new BP1064A2 and charge a new MCU code? would it start in such a some kind of uploading state to load firmware?
Any chance to get just the main connection board without wifi board?
Do I throw everything away and buy a new one? It’s not for the money but for trying to reuse something that still works :wink:

Many thanks,

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My suggestion- buy another mini v4 :+1:

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I guess the WIFI board is also damaged if you’ve connected 24V to it, as it is also connected to the 5V input directly. It might just not smoke.

Hmmm maybe yes.
24v bridge was produced when v4 ground power pole touched an external +24v for the external amplifier, while audio ground was connected between them.
I guess that only analog audio signal path was in contact with 24v but maybe other components were as well. Not tested yet
Just waiting for another 30% campaign to get new ones!

Many thanks,

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