Defining the ip addresses of all Arylic devices in the local network

Nice one @Dmitry,

Glad you are enjoying experimenting with Arylic Devices and writing Software for you and you’re friends :slightly_smiling_face:

I am not familiar with KNX, Lutron and ELAN control systems, but I am sure I will investigate as I like to know what is available to do stuff. Personally I use a combination of (a long time before I discovered Arylic too) and The PLC side has really helped improve performance and reliability of my Home Control (e.g. Swimming Pool Control, Hot Water Contactors & Power Resets). The Home Assistant is effectively a very quick SCADA package for me and also makes integration with Alexa & Google Assistant Seamless (no need for SDK Development).

An interesting thing I discovered on my technical travels was that there is a Linkplay Integration for Home Assistant and the Developer is on this Forum. Maybe the is some crossover with Iridium :thinking:

Have a look at this Home Assistant integratio available

Kind Regards and Good luck with your development activities, Kevin