Convert passive subwoofer into active

I bought a broken subwoofer Indiana Line por 30 euro, and with Up2stream Amp Sub became active.
So I can move subwoofer anywhere, I have a Up2stream Amp on gazebo, on lounge area and on garden.
Unfortunately at first upgrade firmware is dead so Arylic sent me another and this too is dead. I don’t undestanding how an upgrade firmware can burn a capacitor.
Arylic said I have to replace a capacitor (C56), now I am looking for a person who knows how to do it.
I hope arylic fixes the problem on the board, if you have an Up2Stream Amp Sub don’t update the firmware ask Arylic for assistance. I will update you.


Hi Nemo, the capacitor is designed to be used to reset the DCDC chip on power, and it is not burned after firmware upgraded. It worked well before, but after upgraded firmware it became unstable for some reason which we need to investigate.

For a quick solution, you can just remove it safely. The device will work well.

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