Behaviour of volume changes


I got a B50 some days ago and I’m quite pleased with it. The volume knob seems to do changes in a linear way. Wouldn’t it be much more convenient to change this to a logarhythmic behaviour?



Hi Ruediger, thanks for the feedback. I think the current volume curve is not in linear. We designed 100 steps for volume, and if use the max volume for 0dB which is volume 100, it will have -0.5dB per step above volume 20 and -1dB per step when below.


Hi Frank,

thanks for your quick answer. I see the problem ist understood by arylic :grinning:
At the moment the b50 ist running in a quite big room on speakers with low to medium efficiency (somewhat around 85 db/w). In this setup adjusting sufficient volumes, especially with the apps virtual slider, is a bit tricky, because you can only use somewhat like the last 10 % of the adjustment range. But to be true, an improvement would be more or less just the icing on the cake.

