I am the owner of a B50SE unit purchased from Amazon.
I have seen that some of the issues that I have faced (FAT 32 USB Support, USB Song List and others) have been fixed with B50 Firmware ARYLIC_B50-0052-452f344c-20230703.MVA. I have tried to upgrade my B50SE unit with that Firmware but it simply does not work. I thought that if both units share the same GoControl App maybe the could use the same firmware but I have had no success.
My direct questions to the Arylic Support Team:
What is the latest Firmware version for the B50SE. Mine is running 51-933309b3-8 (Please see the attached picture)?
Hi Joy,
I do have concerns and issues regarding the B50SE, otherwise I would not been seeking support.
I was trying to upgrade the Firmware of the B50SE because I read that the new Firmware of the B50 fixed some of the issues that I had with the B50SE like:
.- Can not see the Songs list stored in the USB while using that Input.
.- Can not use FAT32 thumbdrives
.- Can not store Customs EQ settings
and others.
Do you realize that there is not a single mention of the B50SE product in this support forum (besides my post)?
Hi Victor, we’re now working on B50 new firmware, and will also release a version for B50SE. These two actually share the code base, but with a small hardware difference, so can’t share the same firmware.