B50 to B50 stream?

Has anyone tried having one B50 transmit via bluetooth to another B50? I guess I thought it would be able to do this but have been unsuccessful getting them to pair together.


Yes, it is possible to stream from a B50 to another B50. The only thing to keep in mind is that the B50 operating as a source of the streaming must be using any input, except the BT. It goes without saying that the second B50 will be operating using the BT input.
This is because the B50 has just one BT circuit that operates either as a receiver or a transmitter. For the same reason when a B50 operates using the BT input , it cannot source the received signal to let’s say BT headphones or BT speakers.
The existence of two differently marked BT antennas may be confusing too. This is because one of the antennas, the one marked as BLE, is dedicated to low power tranceivers used in some devices.