B50 create inputs audio to record

Hello friends!!!
I just bought the Arylic B50 amplifier for my leisure time: music: vinyl, CD, music from smartphone via Bluetooth, movie projection with projector-audio via Bluetooth, recording studio, etc.
I have been amazed by the features of this B50, very versatile to be able to connect multiple devices… My amazement has been the possibility of managing the B50 chip with the ACPWorkBench software.
My question is if I can convert this fabulous amplifier into a recording station “a sound card to connect to the PC” and be able to have analog and digital audio inputs and be able to record on the PC.
if possible could you tell me how to enable the inputs?

thank you very much

As the BP50 has no digital out connection, you are probably limited to using Bluetooth. If your PC doesn’t have Bluetooth, get a dongle which can receive Bluetooth 5.2 which is currently the best for transmitting audio signals.

Hi, I think I don’t have my question. I don’t talk about Bluetooth.
My question is whether model B50 No BP50 can record audio on a PC connected by USB and the PC detects a recording unit
Yes!!! the PC detects a unit with two audio outputs:
L +R but not two audio inputs Phisical.
You can see well in audio configuration in Windows.
Thank you very much anyway.
all the best