Arylic S50 PRO+update

Arylic S50 Pro+ What is the latest firmware? I have 4.6.415145.35 of 2022.04.27 The update was supposed to be every six months.
Volume increases every five dots 0-5-10-15-20… should be every one dot 0-1-2-3-4-5… How do I fix this?
Many vTuner internet radio stations do not work.

Hi VooDook

This is the latest version.

And regarding the volume step, you could adjust it via API. Please download this UART passthrough tool, and connect to the target device via IP address, and send this command: MCU+PAS+RAKOIT:VST:1&

And vTuner is a service that gathered many internet stations together. We can’t help if some of them not working. I think the alternative way is to use the Personal Radio, you could find the favorite radio link and set it up yourself, and also could share with Arylic users :slight_smile: The issue is you could only access it via the WEB UI only… anyway, you could choose to assign it as preset and start with num key on remote.


Thank you very much, volume step fixed. I have yet to see what can be done with the radio I’d like to listen to on your device.

Hello to everybody
Somewhen radio station died in “Internet Radio” on 4STREAM app. I checked the website and found out the radio is alive but changed their streameing URL. The workaround I found: copy the new stream URL from the website and save it under “Open Network Stream”. From there I can choose this station and listen to it happy. What not worked is to assign it as preset and start with num key on remote.
Hope that helps.

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My radio stations show up in the list but they don’t work. I wrote to vTuner, got a reply.: Hello,
Thank you for informing us. We have forwarded the issue to our Team.

Can somone semd me a walk through how to fix the volume step up. Jusy bought the pro and im new to this and would prefer single digit volume increases vs the factor default. Thanks :pray: