I wanted to use the arylic H50 with openhab, and since it does not expose an http api, it’s tricky to get it working.
Hence I created my own project: arylic-mqtt GitHub - mouse256/arylic-mqtt
It connects to the TCP api (which is available on all devices I have, the H50, up2stream amp and up2stream pro) and exposes the device over MQTT. Like this you can easily use it in various home automation projects. I myself use it in openhab, and there is info in the project on how to do this.
Drop me a message if you’re trying this out, and how the experience is for you.
This is a logical function. I’m surprised the developers don’t provide this option. All control statuses are available via MCU+, which means it should be possible to include a specific stream URL: or a specific MP3 file from a USB drive. Then the player can be integrated into any automation system without http and https. I am an AMX controller enthusiast and am really looking forward to this opportunity.