Hi all.
Is there one command among the MCU+ commands that can execute the play URL? For nttp, such a command is setPlayerCmd:play:, but I didn’t find it in the set of commands MCU and MCU+RAKOIT
Question: how to enable play URL using TCP protocol on port :8899?
It’s very sad that Arylic didn’t even try to answer… I will look for other solutions.
sorry, you can’t do this with TCP command, but you could handle playlist and start playback with UPNP method. You could refer to these scripts, and you could note the CreateQueue and PlayQueueWithIndex
In my case this is not a good solution. Example: there is a broadcast in a public place and you need to turn on a voice notification, turn on another radio stream, or a track from a file storage. The easiest way is: MCU+ХХХ+ХХХ:URL:… Without such functionality, the LinkPlay protocol is useless for integration in serious solutions. And after closing http to control the player, the player loses its interest…
And it’s sad.
Question: How does the “4Stream” application send the URL to the player? What protocol and port?