Any plans to build in chromecast support to any products?

I find it very odd they choose to support lesser quality wifi services. Chromecast is clearly superior to Amazon and Airplay2. Be it app support, streaming quality and so forth.

I keep wanting to dive into their products and even picked up one of their preamp, but adding a chromecast audio to it just makes things clunky. Also not a fan of having to manually choose inputs in 2023. Auto sensing inputs should just be standard in connected products at this point.

Are there any plans to bake in chromecast to future products or update current ones to support it?

I have a ton of CCA pucks, but those are for updating old products for whole home use. Buying a connected product in this day and age should just have it included.

And if it doesn’t need to be portable, it’s easier just to get a normal receiver from Pioneer, Onkyo or Sony which include chromecast support.

I’m sure those that don’t play in that camp don’t care, but I’ve seen enough posts mentioning chromecast to know it would be a welcome addition.

Besides, you have Wiim stealing your business with their Pro products. I’m sure ieast will update their olio or come out with a new Puck that supports it. And that’s not even talking about companies like SVS and others with connected amps. This product is aging. Even their plate amps are aging. How do you make a “boombox” amp that doesn’t even have an easy setup for a battery?

Arylic people… Do you respond to posts on here? Doesn’t seem that way from what I’ve seen which also doesn’t instill confidence. Can picl up the one plate amp super cheap right now, but just can’t bring myself to submit the order.


I just bought a WiiM Amp and it’s great so far, but I have a few other sets of in-wall speakers to power and the Arylic amps look just about perfect for them, except for the perplexing lack of Chromecast support.

If Arylic employees ever post here it’d be nice to hear whether Chromecast support is in the works. I might delay buying a few more WiiMs.

Also interested on Chromecast for Arylic products

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Yes, wish Arylic products can support chromecast.

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And nothing but crickets from Arylic.