This probably off topic, but there is no category for these things, so it’s here.
Of course it’s probably not the AA-50; more likely 4Stream.
I have Amazon Prime, not the extra cost music, just basic, but it works, sometimes. But mostly when I try to listen to a program source from Amazon in 4Stream, the selected source (playlist, whatever) lights up in green, as if it were about to play. But it never does.
Just another bug in the software, or is there a fix for this?
I was struggling to get the Amazon Prime Music (free with a Prime Subscription) and not the Unlimited version. After many requests for help here people either find it works or it doesn’t.
I suspect the Unlimited version works better but it could be a country thing. I’m in Canada and the Prime accounts cannot be shared as they can in the USA so this could also be a culprit.
If I remember correctly I would get one or so songs to play then the next song would not load. It would look like it was qued up but the little icon would just dance.