Album cover

How does Arylic get the Album cover from mp3 playlist.
My files cover.jpg are not taken, except one.
Regards Frank

The cover is included in .mp3 file. Metadata tagginig can handle music infos (like artist mane, album title, track number. etc…) and pictures.

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@Frank forget the cover.jpg approach this will not work in the future. If you want to have album art on every track it will be better to embed it in the file metadata as @Pepelitsa is suggesting, There are many free software to help with this e.g mp3tag etc. etc. It’s a lot of work but if you want clean solution this is the best approach. Regards Kevin

@Frank Hi Frank,

Cover images are usually contained in files (mp3, m4a, ect.), but if not, then try filling in the m3u list like this:
#EXTINF:1,P!nk - Just give me a reason
Just Give Me A Reason.mp3"

#EXTINF:1,P!nk - Just give me a reason"

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@zitev it is really cool that you are finding solutions for Forum users with the Arylic Developers httpapi and helping them with useful links.

The API Documentation is a very good way of referencing solutions. Kicked off and created by @phranck (on a voluntary basis) and brought to publication by @zpl1025. OK there are a few commands missing and needs an update but it’s mostly correct :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work and advice. Regards, Kevin :+1:

Thank you Kevin, if I can, I will help, based on my experience and knowledge. :slight_smile:

Ciao buona sera ho provato ad usare mp3tag ma le copertine dei brani l’app 4stream non le visualizza .
Mi puoi aiutare ? grazie
Saluti Alfredo Paliotti
La mia scheda è up2stream pro v3

Hi @alfredopaliotti61,

I have now tried to play an m4a file containing a cover image, unfortunately neither the 4stream nor the web interface can display the embedded image on the surface. It can also display the cover image when you open a properly formatted playlist file that includes the image url.

Ciao Zitev non so come fare a includere url dell’immagine potresti cortesemente fare un esempio o meglio un tutorial .
Grazie per la risposta .
Saluti Alfredo Paliotti

Hi @alfredopaliotti61,

Check this and this posts for the details! If you don’t prosper, report back!