Airplay - No audio with LMS and Up2Stream Amp

I use Lyrion Music Server (previously known as Logitech Media Server) and the Airplay Bridge plugin which uses shairtunes2 for Airplay. When I play something via Airplay to the Up2Stream Amp, there is no audio from the speaker, while both LMS and 4STREAM app show that the media is playing. DLNA works, but I need Airplay to sync the devices for Multiroom. Anyone using LMS with Airplay Bridge and encountered the same issue?

Found it out myself, you need to enable encryption (Airplay Bridge Settings → “Encrypt” → “Yes”) for Arylic devices.

The next problem is, the Arylic devices always start delayed, sync with other players seem impossible. I already increased the buffer time of the other players but seems like the Arylic still wait until the others start, there must be an internal delay.

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Well spotted just tested mine and it now plays sound using airplay in my lms plugin…sync problems to tackle next

This might be of interest. The unit that wouldn’t play any audio was an A50+ unit using 4.6.415145.41 firmware.

Another unit I have is an H50 using 4.6.522143.71 firmware.

The H50 unit worked out of the box.

The airplay plugin in LMS required no changes from default (encryption off). Also it syncs perfectly with other LMS units (receivers and radios) no lag at all.

So it would seem that the 2 units or their firmware differ in their airplay implementation. The lack of encryption requirement in the H50, I believe allows it to properly sync to other players, so ideally it should be turned off in the firmware for the A50+

Do tech support monitor these threads? any input?

ok I’ve found settings that get pretty good sync across players.

Because the A50+ needs sync turned on in the airplay plugin on LMS which crreates a delay, its sync settings need alteration for this player in LMS…
Go to this players management and find extra settings then syncronize.

set player start delay(ms) to 3000
set palyer audio delay (ms) to 1500

This now allows it sync pretty well with LMS native players and the Newer H50.